Web Developer

My Projects

Angular Projects

Ionic Projects

Using Ionic 5 components to build great UI apps with Angular 9 to efficiently control states flow and make communications between components. The apps building with Ionic 5 framework can be easily to deploy to Google play store, Apple store, and even website host(PWA). Exploring the app with mobile device to get best experience.

Angular Projects

Using Angular 9 framework to build a user friendly responsive web app. Control data rendering by authentication (Login & Sign up), dynamically add or edit recipes and ingredients, and efficiently communicate with backend database to fetch or save Recipes data.

Ionic Projects

Ionic Projects

Using Ionic 5 components to build great UI apps with Angular 9 to efficiently control states flow and make communications between components. The apps building with Ionic 5 framework can be easily to deploy to Google play store, Apple store, and even website host(PWA). Exploring the app with mobile device to get best experience.

NodeJS Projects

NodeJS Projects

Using Node.js, Express.js, and Socket.io build a chat app. Login with with name and room, and you can talk with other person online instantly. Same name could not be allowed in the same room. If person joins and leaves room, system will automatically broadcast messages in this room. You also can share your position, which will open google maps to show your current location. Also Chat App allows to create different chatting room, peoples only in the same room can talk each other but not other rooms.

Websites Projects

Ionic Projects

Using Ionic 5 components to build great UI apps with Angular 9 to efficiently control states flow and make communications between components. The apps building with Ionic 5 framework can be easily to deploy to Google play store, Apple store, and even website host(PWA). Exploring the app with mobile device to get best experience.

Angular Projects

Using Angular 9 framework to build a user friendly responsive web app. Control data rendering by authentication (Login & Sign up), dynamically add or edit recipes and ingredients, and efficiently communicate with backend database to fetch or save Recipes data.

Combs World

Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript set up the whole website – COMBS WORLD. JavaScript maps API was used to locate your position, and JavaScript Date Object was used to set up calendar and calculate an interval between two dates. Form data is validated by JavaScript.

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MD BioChem

Using CSS3 FLEXBOX layout and css media queries to design a responsive website – MD BioChem. And using CSS transition and transform to make a fancy button. And using HTML5 map/area tag to define a client-side image-map. Using CSS3 @media to response to the different size of devices (more than 1024px, between 640px – 1024px, less than 640px), which makes the website look more friendly.

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JavaJam Coffee House

Using HTML5 and CSS3 design a responsive website – JavaJam Coffee House. Using CSS3 @media to response to the different size of devices (more than 1024px, between 768px – 1024px, less than 768px), which makes the website look more friendly.

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JavaScript Projects

Ionic Projects

Using Ionic 5 components to build great UI apps with Angular 9 to efficiently control states flow and make communications between components. The apps building with Ionic 5 framework can be easily to deploy to Google play store, Apple store, and even website host(PWA). Exploring the app with mobile device to get best experience.

Angular Projects

Using Angular 9 framework to build a user friendly responsive web app. Control data rendering by authentication (Login & Sign up), dynamically add or edit recipes and ingredients, and efficiently communicate with backend database to fetch or save Recipes data.

Discussion Board

Using PHP, MySQL database, and JavaScript to build up a web app, Discussion Boards Application, which provides an area to publish your interested topics. Without login, you only can see the topics and replies, but can’t publish, reply, edit, or delete the topics , but after you login, you can manage your topics and replies. JavaScript is used to validate the data input and delete.

Public username: test, public password: pwd3

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Combs World

Using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript set up the whole website – COMBS WORLD. JavaScript maps API was used to locate your position, and JavaScript Date Object was used to set up calendar and calculate an interval between two dates. Form data is validated by JavaScript.

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Form with JS validation

Using JavaScript validates the data in the form, giving the corresponding error messages, and calculating sum and average of data.

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PHP and MySQL Projects

Discussion Board

Using PHP, MySQL database, and JavaScript to build up a web app, Discussion Boards Application, which provides an area to publish your interested topics. Without login, you only can see the topics and replies, but can’t publish, reply, edit, or delete the topics , but after you login, you can manage your topics and replies. JavaScript is used to validate the data input and delete.

Public username: test, public password: pwd3

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Loan Calculator

Using PHP 7.0 and MySQL database created a web app, Loan Calculator, to automatically calculate month loan payment. This web app supports “Extra Month Payment” calculation. Using MVC framework and Object to efficiently manage this website application.

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Grade record System

Using PHP 7.0and MySQL database created a Student Grade Management System. The system could add and delete students and grades, which will also be validated with string for name and number (0-100) for grade and error message will be shown if the validation is failed.

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