Web Developer

My Certificate

Web Site Developer (Awarded by Gwinnett Technical College, GPA: 4.0)

Website Design/Development courses including HTML5 & CSS3, JavaScript, PHP programming, Structured Query Language (Oracle 12c), WordPress, PhotoShop CC 2018, Web Development I & II, Computer Concepts, Program Design & Development, Information Security Fundamentals.

Understanding TypeScript – 2020 Edition

This course systematically introduces the features of the TypeScript, including types, classes, modules, interface, generics, decorators, and so on. And it also introduces how to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript Project, how to set up a TypeScript project with Webpack, how to use TypeScript together with ReactJS, and how to use TypeScript together with Node/ Express. (https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-0c30c2cb-2850-4d21-a0cc-33852f76f888/)

Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide [2020 Edition]

This Mean Stack course introduces how to use Angular to build front end, how to use ExpressJS (Node.js) to set up back end (such as setting up API, sending back the different Endpoint), and how to set up MongoDB database. The most important part is how MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and Node.js (MEAN) work together, which means sending request from Angular, dispatching different requests to the routes of backend by ExpressJS (Node.js), fetching data from MongoDB based on the different requests, sending the fetched data back to frontend by ExpressJS (Node.js), manipulating the response data, and rending the data by Angular. (https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-b68aade3-7a99-4260-b2df-d9229180184c/)

Angular-The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)

This Angular 9 course systemically introduces how to create a professional Angular Application. Deeply explain how the Components, Directives, and Pipes work with data binding together to render the data, and how the components communicate each other through injection of the different Services. It also introduces how to use Http Module to fetch data from backend, how to set up Template-Driven Form and Reactive Form, how to authenticate users to sign up or log in, how to use Guards to protect from exploring the web pages, how to use interceptor to modify the outgoing http requests, how to using NgRx store and effects to control the states flow to efficiently improve communication between components and also make codes easily to expand, how to deploy your Angular Applications, how to test your Angular Applications. (https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-7f99e9a7-4715-417e-a6c8-14ccbf8ef240/)

Ionic – Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular

This Ionic 5 course deeply explores the core features of the Ionic framework. Using Angular to efficiently control the states flow, make communications between Ionic components, and build fantastic apps, which can be deployed into Google play store, Apple store, and even web host (PWA). It also explores the Capacitor which provides native device APIs to communicate with apps, such camera API and Geolocation API. (https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-c67dd261-c273-4df3-999e-b28dc810f645/)

Node.js – The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

This course introduces all the fundamental of Node.js, and deeply explores how to use Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, and Socket.io to build different types of Node apps. It also includes how to set up REST APIs, how to fetch endpoints, how to use Postman to test APIs, how to manipulate responded data, how to set up MongoDB, how to use mongoose to do CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) with MongoDB, and so on. (https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-a5111e97-0fe3-416d-bda9-97d95dfb75ef/)

Introduction for API Users & Developers (Cloudinary Images & Videos Management)

Using Cloudinary API to help Web Developer to quickly load predesigned upload widget, or the third part widget, or the customized widget to upload and manipulate pictures and videos stored online. Easily integrate Angular SDK to Angular applications to build powerful images and videos operations.